Two meowy friendly "sentries" welcome visitors, one of them an eye-fluttering girlie-girl...

Nestled in the rocks...

Peonies galore, kitty is taking a bath in the background...

The real cats meows...

A few too many cat treats, perhaps?...

A gift from my bro-in-law, this fella's one cool dude...

The newest addition to a recently expanded garden, my tall gal is awaiting the growing cosmos, zinnias, and sunflowers to envelope around her by mid summer...

And, Cosmo Kitty - A dear friend gave me Cosmo Kitty and said the gorgeous orange/salmon roses from her garden are called Tequilla Sunrise. Cheers to colorful, beautiful blooms in the garden this year!

Come back again soon. We'll take another walk amid the blooms.
If you enjoyed this post, please check out:
* Kitties Favorite Bath! Lap, Lap, Lap
* Mid May in a PA Garden
* Color of Spring Everywhere!
*Blooms Basking in the Summer Sun
"A gardener is an artist who paints the world with flowers." - Marjolein Bastin