Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Painted Violins" for the Harrisburg Symphony

The "Painted Violins" is a fundraising project for the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra. Twelve violins painted by Central Pennsylvania artists will be auctioned off on April 3 to benefit the organization.

As a selected artist, I chose to represent the composition "Carnival of the Animals" by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns.

The Challenge:
To fit 14 movements on the small violin:
*March of the Lion
*Hens and Roosters
*Wild Asses
*The Elephant
*Characters with Long Ears
*The Cuckoo
*The Swan

The Sketch:

Painting In Progress:


A local news clip about the project:

If you enjoyed this posts, you may like:
*The Great CHAIRity Event: Painting a chair of Boiling Springs
* Sebastian and Sylvester: Two Cats Play Amid Cardinals and Roses
* Home on the Range: Where the Deer and Buffalo Play
* Hiking in the Dark: Sparkle Magazine Illustration

Thanks for stopping by!
