Learning to use oil sticks in last semester's drawing class was so fun!
For our final project, we were challenged to select and learn about a master artist, study their work to learn how they created their compositions, then develop a series of four of our own still life's that were influenced by what we learned.
My Artist: Impressionist painter,
Berthe MorisotI was drawn to Morisot's paintings because of the fancy hats and loose brush stokes of her work.
My series of four oil stick paintings depict a bust of a lady wearing colorful hats:

And, here's the process of creating the fourth and final in the series:

A Bit About Morisot:
Morisot was a woman ahead of her time. Born into an upper-middle class family, she pursued a successful profession as an artist at a time when society frowned upon a woman of class having a career. She was the only female in the elite circle of French Impressionist painters. Because of her social class, her painting subjects were limited to domestic scenes, women and children. Outside landscapes were painted at her family's summer property. Many of her paintings portray her daughter, Julie.
If you enjoyed this post, take a peek at my final project from last Spring's semester:
- Teapots - created in subtractive chalk
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my "Creative Time" blog. In a few weeks, I'll be posting an update to my neighbor's duck carving of a Hen Mallard that's she creating for the WARDs world duck competition in Ocean City, Maryland. So, please stop in again. soon!