Although we didn't have any food in our hands, he must have know that we had a bag of Teddy Grahams, sealed closed and tucked away in our beach bag. He paraded in front of us, then stood and stared. We thought for sure that he would fly away any minute. But, nope, he inched closer to our chairs then stood and stared at us again.
Well, what's an artist to do, but get out the sketch pad and pencils and start doodling away. He stayed in one location, but gradually made a 360 degree turn in the sand so that I could see every possible angle.
Eventually, he became bored, and acted like he was going to leave. But, I wasn't done with the drawing. So, I had to lull him back with a few of the Teddy Grahams that he was so patiently waiting for.
Hmmmmm....so I guess that WAS his strategy after all. I'm such a sucker!
This link will take you to the full blog post about Rehoboth Beach.
And, if you enjoyed this beach post, please check out my blog post from Myrtle Beach in June.
Thanks for visiting!