When I arrived to check-in, the bellhops informed me that Matilda was "out" for her grooming. So after dinner and a show, I returned to the hotel to find Matilda ruling the lobby. A swish of her tail, a well-maneuvered leap up the luggage, and 'plop' she layed down on the front desk, basking in all her freshly-groomed, feline glory. The next morning, she was busy, busy - from the front desk, to the luggage cart, to her personal cat-sized chaise lounge. And, the same, when I returned from my conference in the evening. The next morning she was on check-out duty at the front desk, and I scratched her ears and blew her a kitty kiss before heading out the door.
There has been an Algonquin Cat in the hotel since the 1930's. I was told that the beauty before me was Matilda II. Next time you are in NYC take a minute to stop and meet Matilda, the Algonquin cat, who lives at the Algonquin Hotel. >^..^<